PROUD FATHER: Sharidz cradling Ayman in Kuala Lumpur on Monday.
KUALA LUMPUR: It was 12 hours of pain, excitement and anticipation for a first-time mother who gave birth to her baby on New Year’s Day.
Environment consultant Rayhana Tong Abdullah, 27, gave birth to a healthy 3.58kg baby boy, Ayman Sharidz, at Pantai Medical Centre at 2.55pm after undergoing a 12-hour labour yesterday.
Her husband Sharidz Iswadi Azhar, 30, could not hide his joy and was seen repeatedly kissing Ayman’s forehead while cradling the newborn in his arms.
“It was love at first sight when I saw Ayman. I cannot remember being this happy before. He was due on Jan 15 but arrived earlier,” said the proud father.
“We will hold a kenduri at home soon to welcome Ayman,” added Sharidz, a marine engineer.
Taken from THE STAR 2ND JANUARY 2007
part yang buat kenduri tu, jgn le lupa jemput kengkawan...kambing golek satu
yang pelik, part buat kenduri tu, gabai tak pernah cakap :p
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